June 02, 2011

Imogen Thomas star shows no sign of withdrawing from her legal battle regarding the injunction as she visits her solicitors in London

Imogen Thomas shows no sign of withdrawing from the public eye over the super injunction controversy.

The model has revealed she's making her most high profile television appearance yet since the scandal broke - appearing as Simon Cowell's guest at the last Britain's Got Talent live semi-final on Friday.

She will then be a guest live in the studio on spin-off show Britain's Got More Talent afterwards on ITV2.

She tweeted: 'I'm looking forward to meeting Simon Cowell on Britains Got Talent on Friday. I'm watching the main show then going to be on BGMT after.'

The opportunity was presumably orchestrated by her publicist Max Clifford, who also represents Cowell.

Meanwhile, the former Big Brother star, who was today seen on yet another visit to her London solicitors as the legal battle rumbles on, has been joking that her recent scandal has caused her to consider becoming a lesbian.

The Welsh beauty made the remark on Twitter after her detractors taunted her for praising Swansea city football club following their win over the weekend.

After receiving abuse from followers the 28-year-old tweeted: 'Apparently I'm now targeting some of the SSEA players. OH PLEASE! I may turn lesbian - I think my love life will be less complicated!!!'

Miss Thomas has been on the receiving end of at times threatening abuse on the social networking site since the revelations of her affair with married Manchester United player Ryan Giggs.

The model has hit back, writing furiously yesterday: 'I haven't got the energy 2 block the haters. There's too many. Take a look @ your own lives before you start judging mine. Sad f******!'

Imogen gave an interview to Heat magazine this week, in which she discussed taking anti-depressants and how she has contemplated suicide after it emerged an injunction had been taken out against her.

She also revealed that she would not immediately forgive her husband if they were ever to cheat on her.

'If my husband cheated on me, regardless of if there were kids involved, I would have to have some time by myself to figure out what I would want,' she said.

Imogen told the magazine that if she was his wife she would feel 'Very hurt. Disrespected, a little bit betrayed.

'I wouldn’t just accept it. For me, it’s disrespectful. I have thought about how the other person’s feeling, of course.'


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