June 07, 2011

Hugh Hefner and his 24-year-old bride take on the ageists

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner claims ageism has been the biggest obstacle he has had to overcome in a career marked by controversy.

Hefner, a staunch civil rights campaigner and women's liberation advocate in the '50s and '60s, has spoken out in defence of his upcoming third marriage to a former Playmate of the Year who is a third of his age.

"To begin with I fought racism, then sexism, now I'm fighting ageism," he said while in the UK to mark the reopening of the revamped London Playboy Club.
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The 85-year-old magazine mogul, who is set to marry his 24-year-old fiancée Crystal Harris later this month, has said that it's only other people who have difficulty comprehending their 61-year-age difference.

"If you're in good health, age is just a number. I'm consistent. When I was 20 I was dating 20-year-old girls and now I'm 85 and I'm still dating them," he added.

"We have lots in common. A very similar sense of humour. I can't forsee having a happier relationship than this one in the years ahead for me.

"One defines oneself in one's own terms. If you let society and your peers define who you are, you're less for it," he continued.

Despite his critics, Hefner has managed to continue and grow the Playboy legacy since launching the inaugural issue of the gentleman's magazine, with Marilyn Monroe gracing the cover, in 1953.

"The Playboy man likes nothing more than mixing up cocktails and an hors d'oeuvre or two, putting a little mood music on the phonograph, and inviting a female acquaintance for a quiet discussion on Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex," his first editor-in-chief note read.

Fast forward almost 60 years and the pyjama clad "Hef" is still in the full glare of the zeitgeist thanks to the iconic bunny brand, numerous reality TV shows and cameos and a social media savvy, which has created both him and his former platinum playmates - including Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett - a large and younger generation of fans.

He insists the Playboy brand continues to promote a positive image to women and that it's already large female fan base is growing.

"We live in a post-feminist society where a lot of women have grown up watching things like the popular reality show that was set in the Playboy mansion. The majority of viewers of that show were young women," he said.

"I'm on Twitter and get fan messages, a lot from young women, who love Playboy and love the bunny."

Hefner and Harris are due to exchange vows in front of 300 friends and family at the Playboy Mansion on June 19. The couple confirmed to the world that they were engaged via Twitter late last year.

"Yes the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn't mean to make a mystery out of it. A very merry Christmas to all," he posted on December 26 before Harris retweeted it.

Jennifer Aniston dating with Justin Theroux ?

Jennifer Aniston is reportedly dating actor Justin Theroux after both were seen coming together at a movie awards function in Los Angeles.

Aniston, who dated music producer John Mayer and actor Vince Vaughn after her marriage to Brad Pitt ended in 2005, has been linked to Theroux in recent weeks.

At an afterparty of MTV awards, they were seen together and even posed and smiled for the shutterbugs.

"They looked very comfortable with each other. He had his arm around her for a good part of the night and they eventually left the party holding hands," dailystar.co.uk quoted a source as saying.

Mallika Sherawat and Freida Pinto turn friends ?

Mallika Sherawat who was in Cannes last month happened to meet Slumdog Millionaire beauty Frieda Pinto at a dinner. And the two seemed to get along like a house on fire.

While Mallika and Frieda are like chalk and cheese and noone thought they would even cross paths, the girls proved everyone wrong. According to a source, it seems the two beauties had a good bonding session at the dinner and even got pics clicked together. The only common factor between the two would be Hollywood – Frieda has established herself as a star while Mallika is still struggling.

At Cannes, Freida Pinto represents L'Oreal as do Ash and Sonam. Mallika is yet to make splash at Cannes with her movies – at the moment, it's only her fashion faux pas on the red carpet that make headlines most often!