October 04, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's Rehab Schedule

Lindsay Lohan might be safely hidden away inside the famous Betty Ford Center, but that doesn't mean the world has lost interest in her!

If you're wondering how Lindsay is spending her time while she's in rehab, we've got the answers.

According to radaronline.com, a source who is a former Betty Ford patient says that Lindsay's day would include mediation, group and individual therapy, grief group and exercise.

Caffeine is banned, but strangely enough cigarettes are allowed. There is no TV, phones can only be used on Sundays, and family visits won't start until she's been there for three weeks.

She'll also be sharing a room with five other women.

Check out her full schedule:
7 am wake up call
7:30 am breakfast (this includes an omelette cooked to her liking or her choice of cereal, pancakes, fresh fruit)
8 am meditation followed by chores (chores are assigned during the first four days depending on Lindsay's attitude)
9 am group therapy
11 am individual therapy
12 pm lunch
1 pm grief group
3 pm exercise (Lindsay can only work out in the gym or do water aerobics)
4 pm meeting
6 pm dinner
10 pm lights out

After she finishes her 28 days of treatment, she'll move to after care, a residential townhouse off hospital grounds.

Sounds pretty strict! Lets hope she can stick to it.


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