October 01, 2009

Angelina Jolie 'Celebrity Boobs' figurine in New York City

Image Source: Reel Loop

Artist Daniel Edward who made art news breaking with his statue of Britney Spears birthing a baby, Sept. 30, 2009: Artist Daniel Edwards, now that Brit's popularity has waned a bot, he’s grown interested in Angelina Jolie. The latest little artistic ditty Edwards has created? A near life size sculpture of Jolie breastfeeding two babies at the same time, presumably her newborn twins. The statue has just been unveiled at the MAINSITE Contemporary Art Gallery in New York City. The work, which is entitled Landmark for Breastfeeding, features Jolie au naturel while providing motherly milk to two newborns.

The source reports that after the exhibit runs its course, the statue may wind up in a public park to be ogled by trench coat wearing men with sock suspenders and Melissa Etheridge.

"Celebrity Boobs" statue by the artist himself, it's interesting but less than flattering -- despite the heroic image of the wondermom handling the babes with relative ease.

In an interview posted September 28, 2009 Edwards claimed to have made the statue to attack the negative stigmas attached to breastfeeding in public.


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